Help Increase Access to Life-Saving Breast Imaging!

Support critical access to life-saving breast imaging

The Early Detection Saves Lives Coalition includes leading patient, medical, and industry organizations who are working to pass legislation in Wisconsin that will reduce breast cancer deaths by requiring health plans to cover:

  1. Supplemental breast exams like MRIs and ultrasounds for women with dense breast tissue and those who are at high risk.
  2. Diagnostic breast exams for women who display signs or symptoms of breast cancer.

You have the opportunity to take action and encourage your Wisconsin state lawmakers to support increased access to supplemental and diagnostic breast imaging for Wisconsin women.

Roughly two out of five women have dense breast tissue where a mammogram alone cannot effectively detect evidence of breast cancer and those with dense breast tissue may be 4-6 times more likely to get breast cancer, making early detection critical. Experts recommend that women in this category receive a supplemental breast exam as part of the screening continuum.

About 10% of women will be called back for additional imaging after their screening mammogram. However, studies show that women may not get appropriate follow-up imaging after an abnormal mammogram due to cost concerns.

While health insurers are required to cover screening mammograms without cost-sharing, there is no requirement for them to cover medically necessary follow-up exams. Unfortunately, supplemental or diagnostic breast imaging across the country can range from $234 to over $1,000 in out-of-pocket costs, which imposes a major financial barrier and can delay breast cancer diagnosis.

Join the Early Detection Saves Lives Coalition in advocating for removing the cost barrier by requiring health insurance policies to cover diagnostic or supplemental breast imaging, making it easier for women to receive additional life-saving testing.

Increasing access to these critical screenings ensures that those who need secondary breast imaging have the same access to effective care as those without dense breasts or other risk factors and removes the cost barrier, so they aren’t forced to choose between paying a household bill and receiving potentially life-saving imaging.

Access to the full spectrum of breast imaging is critical
to catching breast cancer early and ensuring that women can fight back. Join us in supporting increased access to advanced screenings, because early detection saves lives!

Complete the form below – along with a message that can be personalized – and you’ll instantly communicate with key members of the Wisconsin Legislature on why it’s important to increase critical access to life-saving imaging.


Thank you for making your voice heard! Follow us on social media, and encourage others to join our campaign to increase access to life-saving imaging.